3 Things That'll Help With Your Swollen Feet

Say Hello To Your Eco-friendly Solutions

The Green Life 🍀
3 min readApr 27, 2024
Photo by How-Soon Ngu on Unsplash

You’ll feel relaxed and also notice your feet feel less swollen afterwards.

You've asked your friends for advice and they suggested you try something natural and eco-friendly to help with your swollen feet.

Because you noticed your feet were feeling swollen and uncomfortable after hours of sitting at your desk.

When you want to try something natural and eco-friendly to help with your swollen feet, this article will show you why it happened and tips to reduce swelling.

Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash

Swollen feet happen when there's extra fluid in the tissues around your feet and ankles.

It makes them feel puffy and uncomfortable.

Your actions like sitting for a long time, standing a lot, or wearing tight shoes can make this happen.

You should deal with your swollen feet because it can affect your health and how good you feel.

Swollen feet can also be a sign of other health issues.

But when you take care of your feet, you're taking care of yourself.

Sometimes, things in your environment can make your feet swell up.

For example, pollution from cars can make the air around you dirty, and can affect your body, including your feet.

If there aren't many green spaces around where you live, it might mean you don't get to walk or run around outside as much.

This lack of activity can make your feet more likely to swell.

So what are the eco-friendly solutions that'll help with your swollen feet?

Natural Remedies

You should start with natural remedies. They are easy and eco-friendly ways that’ll help with your swollen feet.

  • Epsom Salt Soak: Fill a basin with warm water and add some Epsom salt. Then, soak your feet in the water for about 15-20 minutes. The Epsom salt can help reduce the swelling and ease your discomfort.
  • Essential Oil Massage: Mix a few drops of soothing essential oils like lavender or peppermint with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. Then, massage your feet with the mixture, focusing on areas that feel swollen or tense. The massage can improve circulation and relax your feet.
  • Yoga Poses: Try simple yoga poses like legs up the wall or downward dog. These poses can help improve your blood flow and reduce swelling in your feet and ankles. Find a quiet space, roll out your yoga mat, and give it a try for a few minutes each day.

Sustainable Footwear

You should pick shoes that are both comfortable and good for your environment.

Shoes made from eco-friendly materials are better for your environment because they use fewer resources and produce less waste.

And they're often more comfortable to wear because they're made with materials that are gentle on your feet.

You should also choose brands that have ethical manufacturing practices, which means you're supporting companies that treat their workers fairly and make shoes in ways that are better for your environment.

This can include things like using renewable energy, reducing pollution, and minimizing waste in their production process.

So what I'm saying is, sustainable footwear is an eco-friendly solution that can help with your swollen feet.

Lifestyle Tips

Another eco-friendly solution that’ll help with your swollen feet is based on your lifestyle. There are easy lifestyle tips to keep your feet healthy and reduce swelling.

  • Stay Hydrated: This helps prevent fluid retention, which can lead to swollen feet.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: It gives your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and avoid swelling.
  • Get Moving: Moving your body helps improve circulation and prevents fluid from building up in your feet.
  • Take Breaks to Stretch: Wiggle your toes, rotate your ankles, and stretch your legs to keep your blood flowing and reduce swelling.


When you choose eco-friendly habits, like using sustainable products and reducing waste, you’ll be helping yourself and your environment.

So, you should make small changes in your own life, and in your environment because it'll help with your swollen feet.



The Green Life 🍀

this blog is for you that wants to know what you can do in your environment so your health gets better. we never learn enough. #TGL #EnvironmentalWellness